
Human Resources Bursaries In South Africa

About Human Resources Bursaries

HR or Human Resources focuses on a company or businesses system, policies and people management. The main function of a person in this position is to reach an employer’s tactical intentions, but also to increase the performance of all employees.


There are many Bursaries for Human Resources HR available each year within South Africa. Here are some of the companies candidates can consider when looking to study in this field.

Companies in South Africa Offering Human Resurces Bursaries

Here are the most common study fields if considering a career in Human Resources:

  • Human Resource Manager
  • Human Resource Expert
  • HR Consultant
  • Training and Development Manager
  • International Human Resource Professional
  • Employee Education Consultant
  • Human Resource Executive
  • Executive Recruiter
  • HR IT Specialist
  • Human Resource Entrepreneur

All fields of Human Resources play an important role in a company’s success. From start to finish, development and more will be impacted by the HR factor. This is due to the fact that labour is provided by employees.


Students who would like to follow any of the fields of study may require the following to be eligible to apply for a bursary in these fields of study.

  • Applicants must be a South African citizen and hold a valid ID document.
  • Applicants must be in need of financial assistance.
  • Applicants must be able to provide an approval letter of acceptance at an Institute of Higher Learning.
  • Applicants must be willing to learn and hold a passion for the field of study chosen, plus have outstanding academic records.

To have a better understanding and relationship with workers, companies and organizations make use of RH personnel. Human Resources are a way to build a better environment for workers and bridge the communications gap between the employer and the employees.

Human Resources is traditionally viewed as the ideal development and learning section of a company. They aim at achieving corporate objectives by selecting the ideal candidates for each position.

Therefore, if you love working with people on all levels of a company, enjoy long hours and complex situations, you may be ideal for this career path.
