Cornerstone Institute Bursaries
Details Of Cornerstone Institute Bursaries
Student Financial Aid Plan
As a student, you will be expected to meet the full costs of your studies. Prospective students are advised to apply for financial aid from as many sources as possible. These include:
Student Loans
Most young people do not qualify for a bursary and need funding by way of a loan to pay for their studies. Student loans must be repaid once you have graduated. Most banks require you to pay back your student loan over the same number of years that it took to complete your studies and loans must be paid back with interest. Most banks will require some form of surety or security before they grant a student loan. This means that a relative, friend or sponsor must guarantee to repay the loan if you do not. Some banks will also require the person who signs surety for your loan to pay the interest on your loan while you are studying.
Visit your local bank or Eduloan to find out what product they offer students.
Eduloan and Bank contact details:
ABSA: or 0860 100372
First National Bank: or 0861 404040
Nedbank: or 0860 555111
Standard Bank: or 0860 123000
Eduloan: or 0860 555544
Cornerstone Administered Financial Aid
Complete the Financial Aid Application Form and submit with all supporting documentation to:
Director of Student Services
Beverley Dankers
Tel: 021 448 0050
Fax: 021 447 6257
[email protected]
Closing dates:
Current students October
New Students December